Saturday, April 25, 2009

All the Candidates are Registered

We 344 candidates in the election this time around, this is a lower number than we have seen in some time. We are averaging just over four caniddates per riding, the last time the number was lower than that was in 1986

  • Election - total candidates - average per riding
  • 2009 - 344 - 4.05
  • 2005 - 418 - 5.29
  • 2001 - 456 - 5.77
  • 1996 - 513 - 6.84
  • 1991 - 317 - 4.23
  • 1986 - 237 - 3.43
  • 1983 - 224 - 3.93
This is the fourth election we had had three parties running full slates. Though in 2001 the third party was Marijuana and in 1996 it was Reform.

I do not think the lower number of candidates is a reflection of needing more signatures, the total of 100 signatures is still laughably low and I think should be raised to at least 1000. What I see is a general disinterest in the election. There simply are a lot fewer fringe candidates interested in running in the election.

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