Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The BC Conservatives in Boundary Similkameen

I have wondered what effect the BC Conservatives would have on the election, but after trying to find out how well Joe Cardoso is going in Boundary Similkameen and seeing there is not much of a campaign there, it would seem that the impact of the BC Conservative party will be basically not relevant to the election outcome.

Jow Cardoso's website is old style and seems to have very little traffic. The discussion forum is not getting any traffic.

I figure Joe will take 10-15% of the vote, but I see him getting mainly this vote from people that did not vote last time. I also see him picking up rural populists that vote NDP. The votes he will take from the Liberals will be a lot less than most pundits think it will be.

This video is an embarrassing amateur work.

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