Friday, May 8, 2009

Donations I made in this election

I had the money available to make donations this around in the election. I ended up giving money to 11 different candidates

  • 5 Liberals
  • 4 Greens
  • 1 New Democrat
  • 1 Independent - David Marley

They come values they all share are:
The are hardworking
They are not afraid of change for the better
They are positive people and not negative
They can think outside of the box
They believe BC can be a better a place than it is

I also gave a donation to the Yes to BC STV campaign.

There were about 30 other candidates I considered giving money to, but I dropped the ones that were obviously going to win or lose. I then decided I would back one candidate in any riding - I had a number of ridings were I had more than one candidate I liked. This still left me with more people that I could afford to support and I then pared down to the people I had a personal relationship with.

I believe it is important in politics to speak with our time and money and support the people willing to put themselves through the election process.

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