Thursday, September 3, 2009

BC AFN Vice Chief Election

On October 1st the BC Assembly of First Nations will be choosing a new Vice Chief. Five candidates have been nominated:

  • Shane Gottfriedson (Tke’mlups/Kamloops Indian Band) - in his second term as band chief.
  • Stewart Phillip (Penticton Indian Band) - Current chief of the UBCIC and four terms as Penticton Indian Band chief.
  • Lynda Price (Ulkatcho First Nations) - two term chief of the first nation and one term UBCIC Secretary Treasurer. She was also a School Board Trustee for ten years.
  • Robert Shintah (Ts'kw'aylacw First Nation) - three term UBCIC Vice Chief, former community and political chief of Ts'kw'aylacw.
  • Jody Wilson Raybould (We Wai Kai First Nation) - current commissioner on the BC Treaty Commission.
This is a strong field, there are no clear leaders and no clear weak candidates. Only Robert Shintah has run for the office before. In 2003 he managed a surprisingly strong second place finish on each of the three ballots.

There are just shy of 200 possible electors, though the total number voting will likely be lower than that.


  1. I heard that Lynda Price does not live on reserve, never has. How does she know the first nation issues to be a leader?

  2. Linda Prince has done exceptional work for First Nations in BC so move forward Linda.

  3. I think you should research your stories a bit was not Jodi Wilson in the running for AFN BC Vice was her sister Kory, who succeeded in getting elected..

  4. The BC AFN election held Oct 1 2009 was to elect a new regional chief for the BC Assembly of First Nations.

    Jody Wilson-Raybould of the We Wai Kai First Nation was successfully elected.

    You can find clear and legitimate information on this at
