Monday, October 18, 2010

Dave Basi plead guilty?

I am very surprised that this happened now.   It was almost seven years ago when the raid happened.   I rented a house from Dave for more than three years from 2004 to 2007 and saw Dave at least monthly during this time.   Dave professed his innocence and told me of his plans to sue once he was acquitted.  He said it was his instructions to his lawyer to make the sure the case did not get dismissed so he would have his day in court and be vindicated.

So what happened?

He has plead guilty which means he is admitting he did what he was accused of - even though he is admitting it, is just seems odd to me.   What I could see of the Crown's case did not strike me as what I would have of Dave.   What I mean by this is that I know Dave is smart enough and has enough ambition that something this small and petty seems out of character to of the Dave Basi I know.  Why risk his quickly rising star as a backroom party guy on so little?

Was the deal they reached on the reduced charges enough to make it worth it?


  1. Bernard:

    Humans have a wonderful ability to compartmentalize, rationalize and justify acts in one part of their lives while remaining completely untouched by those acts in other part of their lives. Sure he was nice, personable, charismatic and good to lots of people, but hey, means very little really. It fits your typical white collar criminal profile, unfortunately.

    While his act was, in your words, small and petty, to him, it may have just been one of many things he did as a "connector". After some time, you get to a certain point in your confidence and ego that it becomes hard to get perspective on what you're doing.

  2. Dave Basi knows no limits to arrogance. He just had his house arrest conditions tightened 2 weeks ago and he is off watching his son's hockey game.....shame on him...shame on the judicial system...and shame on us for letting this convict live a normal life after ripping us all off....I guess the bully in the playground can win as long as us bystanders do nothing....shame on all of us for letting this happen!!!!!
