Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Wingnuts are in Control

The new right wing party, BC First, issued a press release today about Campbell's attendance at the Bilderberger meeting.   The Bilderberger meetings have become a the conspiracy theorists wet dream over the last ten to twenty years.

They are asserting that the Premier was in conflict because he attended the meetings and the costs were paid for by the hosts and not the BC government, even though the BC government did pay his expenses to go.   That this is some sort of personal benefit to him is what they seem to be claiming and therefore he is in a conflict of interest but at the same time upset the province paid for his trip.  

It is only by having no understanding of the law or of role of the Premier at the meeting that they can even make these sort of an assertions.    Chris Delaney may have thought to consult a lawyer before issuing this press release, but whatever, they have their right to issue badly thought out press releases without any credible reasons.  I am more concerned about the fact they chose the Bilderberger meeting as the issue.  It speaks to a state of mind.

The Bilderberger group is the source of conspiracy ideas of the left and the right.  It is claimed they are bringing a single world government, creating the New World Order, planned the current recession,and a huge amount of more crazy ideas.    The people that comb through Bilderberg are often the same people that claim 9/11 was done by the US government and other fantasy ideas.  Fidel Castro and Lyndon LaRouche are the sort of people seeing a conspiracy among the Bilderbergers.

People that want to believe conspiracy theories concern me.   The have a right to have their opinions no matter how dumb they are, but they have to kept away from anything close to power in any place in the world.   The state of mind you need to have to believe that there is a Bilderberg conspiracy is one that leads to blind zealotry.   To be able to see a conspiracy where there is none means the basic ability to listen, take in information and process it is missing.

BC First is now completely and totally irrelevant in BC because they will never be able to escape the fact they are sending out press releases that sound like the come from conspiracy theorists.  To assert some sort of wrong doing by the Premier and doing so in relation to the Bilderberg meeting is not the work of an informed and rational person.

This is all good for the BC Conservatives as they need the wing nut right wing parties and people to go away.


  1. So the people who think the US government was involved in 911 are nut jobs? According to polls that includes 2/3 of all Americans and 1/3 of all Canadians. Have you ever actually had a no-nonsense, no-preconceptions look at what happened on that fateful morning in 2001? Ever make a list of the dozens of questions which are left unanwered by the official investigation? Ever wonder who else besides the US government might have gained much more than the Americans? Ever ask yourself who actually lost the most from the outcome of the infamous event? Of course you haven't - because if you ever did find the truth you may be sure you would be labelled a 'truther' or a 'conspiracy theorist' or just a plain ol' nut case. And, much like the sighted man in the story, you would find yourself hunted by the unforgiving blind. You know them - they spend most of their lives working jobs they detest to buy things they don't need - but they never find the courage to complain about their real masters.

  2. Anyone who believes there was any involvement in the 9/11 attacks can only be crazy or is capable of looking at evidence and able to make conclusions based on what happened.

    Questions remaining unanswered are the norm in human life, we can not know everything, but a question does not discount what happened and does not make any fantasy idea reality.

    Of what we can prove from the evidence from 9/11 there is not a piece that does not support the attacks being done by the 19 mentally unstable Arabs.

    None of the evidence indicates any possibility of US government involvement. In over nine years there has not been a single person to come forward to say they were part of a government plot, not a single government memo or report pointing to government involvement, and finally no physical evidence that can be linked to the government.

    To reiterate, no one earth has a single piece of prima facia evidence that any government on earth had anything to with the attacks.

    There is more evidence that the Easter Bunny is real than government involvement in 9/11.

    Based on this, to continue to believe there is government involvement means a person has to be either stupid, crazy or ignorant - actually in most cases.

    If a poll says that 2/3s of Americans think it is was the government, all this shows is that there are a lot of ignorant people out there. People believing Barak Obama is a Muslim does make it true, it only shows they are ignorant.
