Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nick Loenen, former Socred MLA and Electoral Reform Activist is backing George Abbott

This came over my email today from Nick Loenen.   Nick was a Social Credit MLA for Richmond form 1986 to 1991.  His experience as an MLA led him to get an MA in political science and begin the debate in BC on reforms that are needed in how we elected our MLAs and how we operate our legislature.  I highly recommend his 1997 book Citizenship and Democracy: A case for Proportional Representation which is available online at Google Books.  I am happy to see it online as I have given away my copies several times over the years.

Nick also started the organization Fair Voting BC and developed the concept for the Citizens Assembly

One reason to consider what Nick is saying seriously is that he has been there.  He was an MLA under the worst premier BC has ever seen and he saw a party and government fall apart.

Good Morning!
As you know, British Columbians have a rare opportunity to help select the next premier. Take out a membership in the BC Liberal party, now!
Jayne and I did to support George Abbott. Abbott has a proven record of delivering good government.
In cabinet for ten years he served with distinction senior ministries, such as Health.
George Abbott is moderate, uniting, not dividing.
Kevin Falcon is too polarizing. Already he has picked a fight with teachers.
Christy Clark can talk, but can she govern?
We need experience and proven performance. George Abbott is it.
Nick Loenen
5611 Jaskow Dr., Richmond, BC V7E 5W4

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