Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I have to say that the three recent entrants into the leadership races only make me say "Who?"

The best know is NDP MLA Nicholas Simons, but he has hardly been a stand out as an MLA.   Vaughn Palmer had an interesting column about him today, little more needs to be said other than his campaign was launched via a youtube video.

Dana Larson has announced he is running for the leadership, I think he may have smoked too much weed and not realized this is not 2003 when unknown people with experience could win the NDP leadership.    If one were looking for someone to make a mockery of the NDP leadership race, this guy is a good choice.   Clearly his personal ambitions completely out weigh any loyalty to the party or desire to see the NDP win an election.   There is no way he can sign up the 3000 to 4000 members he needs to have even a remote chance of winning.

He does have the support of Tommy Chong, though Larson and Chong just does not have the same ring as Cheech and Chong.  

Over among the Liberals there is a late entrant into the campaign, Ed Mayne the now former mayor of Parksville.  Why?  Really, why would be run?   There is no chance he can win, less than none.   There is no useful reason for him to run that might offer him any personal benefit either.

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