Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why I am supporting George Abbott

Who would be best as premier?
What is first and foremost for me is someone that will be able to a good premier, ideally a better premier than Gordon Campbell.   I like Gordon Campbell, but I think he makes a better CEO than premier.   I have generally agreed with most of the policy direction of the government, though how it was implemented has often been a problem for me.   From what I know of George Abbott, he will a better premier because he will govern with more consideration of the public and the whole of caucus as a team.

It is also for a premier of BC to understand the economy of BC and very few urban people understand how fundamentally important natural resources and rural communities are to our economic well being.

I am not convinced that Kevin Falcon would not govern more like CEO than a premier.   I do not know how Mike de Jong could govern when no one in caucus will step up to back.   Christy Clark has not convinced me she has the skills to build a strong team as premier, she has a strong voice but that is not enough.

Who can build the Liberal Party?
I only see George Abbott being able to build the BC Liberal party as a centre right party that is truly only a provincial party.   Both Falcon and Clark are too tied to one or the other federal parties.   Mike de Jong does not seem to be getting a lot support from movers and shakers on the right in BC so I do not see him being able to build a large tent party.

I also think that George Abbott is most likely to give the party some more autonomy than it has had for the last ten years.

Who can win the 2013 election?
I think that both George Abbott and Kevin Falcon could win the 2013 election, the difference in my mind is the sort way they would win and the future of the party and if they could win in 2017 if they lose in 2013.   I see George Abbott building more confidence in the Liberals and making sure there is a strong opposition to the NDP if they win the 2013 election.

I look at the list of who current former MLAs are backing and I see in numbers George Abbott coming out on top.   This says to me he is someone people can work with.   The single biggest endorsement for me is the one by Ralph Sultan.   Few people know much about him, but I have and I am pretty close to 100% in-sync with him on economic issues.  I also like the fact that Bill Bennett is backing George Abbott.

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