Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My prediction province by province

I am know the provincial seat totals will not be as accurate as the overall national numbers, the closest races across the nation tend to balance themselves out.  I meant to get these numbers out yesterday, but life intervened.

Prov Cons Libs NDP Bloc Ind
BC    22    2   12
AB    27    0    1
SK    11    1    2
MN     9    1    4
ON    59   30   16       1
PQ     8    4   31  31   1
NB     7    2    1
NS     4    5    2
NF     2    4    1
PE     2    2
Nth    1    1    1

If I could do 1/2 seats, I would have some on the list, especially it would 1/2 an independent in Alberta and 1/2 an independent in Ontario.   

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