Friday, May 6, 2011

Highway #37 Powerline passes Federal Review

This is very good news for BC and green power production.   It is also good news for long term for the Tahltan, who are stuck on diesel electric generators

Friday, May 06, 2011
Terrace, BC - The Northwest Power Line Coalition heartily welcomes the federal approval of the Northwest Transmission Line today:

Infrastructure Canada announced that the Northwest Transmission Line, a proposed $404-million, 344-kilometre transmission line project, from the existing Skeena substation south of Terrace to a new substation near Bob Quinn Lake, is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. This decision complements the granting, by the BC Environmental Assessment Office on February 24, 2011, of an environmental assessment certificate for the line.

"This announcement is a critical milestone for the development of industry and green energy projects in northwestern BC," said Dave Pernarowski, Co-Chair of the Northwest Transmission Line, and mayor of the City of Terrace. "The electrification of Highway 37 from Terrace to Bob Quinn Lake and beyond is a fundamental infrastructure development that will allow us to diversify and stabilize the regional economy."

"We are very pleased that the federal government has approved extending the transmission grid into this resource-rich region of the province," stated Gordon Loverin, Co-Chair of the Northwest Transmission Line, founder and current President of the Tahltan Business Council and owner of T'senaglobe Media Inc. "The northwest transmission line will strengthen northwestern BC's economy as well as open up opportunities for Yukon and Alaska. This will also be a catalyst to create cooperation among First Nations to the benefit all peoples of the north."

"We thank the federal government for their timely approval," acknowledged Pernarowski and Loverin. "We look forward to the commencement of construction of this much anticipated power line that will open up opportunities in the Northwest of great value to all British Columbians."

About the Northwest Power Line Coalition
The coalition represents communities, the Northern Development Initiative Trust, non-profit organizations, mineral exploration and mining companies, independent power producers, joint venture First Nations companies and individuals committed to the construction of a high voltage transmission line from Terrace to Dease Lake, British Columbia, and perhaps beyond. The coalition is committed to sustainable economic development in Northwestern British Columbia and believes electrical infrastructure is the key to the future of British Columbia's Northwest.

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Contact information:

Dave Pernarowski, Co-Chair, Northwest Powerline Coalition
Tel: 250-615-9576

Gordon Loverin, Co-Chair, Northwest Powerline Coalition
Email: overin@tsenaglobe.coml
Tel: 604-842-9809
Copyright © 2011 HIGHWAY 37 (HWY) All rights reserved. For more information visit our website at or send email to .
Message sent on Fri May 6, 2011 at 3:39:58 PM Pacific Time

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