Wednesday, September 21, 2011

PEI Election

While the NDP is doing well in much of Canada, it is not doing well on PEI.  In 2007 the NDP and the Greens had to close to the same number of candidates.   This time around the Greens increased their number of candidates and the NDP did not.

Number of Candidates and Percentage of the Vote:

  • Election Greens      NDP 
  • 2011        22               14
  • 2007        18  3.04%  15  1.96%
  • 2003         --- -----        24  3.06%
  • 2000         --- -----        27  8.06%
  • 1996         --- -----        27  7.85% elected one MLA

The party has gone downhill and seems to have surrendered being the #3 party to the Greens.   Can they even be certain of retaining their status in fourth place?

The Island Party of Prince Edward Island is running 12 candidates.  They are running two fewer than the NDP, but they could very likely manage to get more votes.  Though as a party they do not seem at all well organized.  They only have five of their candidates on their website.

There is not a lot of polling in PEI, but the NDP has been polling better than they have in a long time.  One would have thought the polls in March and June that showed the party over 10% would have lead someone somewhere to help make sure they can run a full slate.

The Greens have Elizabeth May coming to the Island this coming weekend.  They seem to be much more alive than the NDP.

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