Monday, September 5, 2011

Where the Federal NDP was a bit more than 9 months ago

In the fall of 2010 there were three federal by-elections Dauphin—Swan River—Marquette, Vaughn and Winnipeg North.   The party came out of the by-elections badly.

Since there were only three by-elections, you would think the NDP would have had the resources to fight hard in all three races but they did not.   The NDP really only focused on one seat and lost that one.

The NDP held one of the seats but lost it to the Liberals.  Frankly Winnipeg North is one of the long term safe NDP seats in the country and they party lost it.

In Vaughn, the NDP tacitly endorsed strategic voting for the Liberals and the Liberal still lost.  I still do not understand why the NDP did not try 110% in Vaughn.   What benefit was it to the NDP to help the Liberals?

Coming out of that the NDP certainly did not look it was destined to be the official opposition, but here we are in the fall of 2011 and the NDP is the rising tide in Ottawa.   It is astounding how much things can change in such a short time.

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