Monday, December 19, 2011

Random Political Factoid

The NDP has been in power in five provinces and one territory, here is how long they have been government in each one:

  • Saskatchewan - 46 years 290 days
  • Manitoba - 27 years 90 days (and rising)
  • BC - 12 years 310 days
  • Yukon - 11 years 9 days
  • Ontario - 4 years 269 days
  • Nova Scotia - 2 years 183 days (and rising)

United Farmers parties that arose in the 1920s in Canada were in many cases filled with people that would later form the basis for the creation of the CCF.:

UF formed governments in:

  • Ontario - 1919-1923 - A United Farmers/Labour government
  • Alberta - 1921-1935 - A United Farmers government, but questionable if it was left though many of the MLAs did join the CCF

The CCF/NDP have been official opposition in:

  • BC - 1933 - 1937, 1941-1952, 1952-1972, 1975 - 1991, 2001 - current
  • Alberta - 1948-1952, 1982 - 1983
  • Saskatchewan - 1934-1944 (initially as Farmer-Labour), 1964-1970, 1982-1991, 2007 - current
  • Manitoba - 1920-1922 (Ind Farmers), 1943-1950, 1977-1981, 1990-1999
  • Ontario - 1943-1945, 1948-1951, 1975-1977, 1987-1990
  • Nova Scotia - 1921-1925 (United Farmers/Labour), 1945-1949, 1998-2009
  • Yukon 1981- 1985, 1992 - 1996, 2000 - 2006, 2011 to current

Yes, a couple of those times they CCF or NDP were too small to be officially recognized as a party.

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