Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Spanish and the NDP Leadership Candidates

I am surprised at how many of the NDP leadership candidates speak Spanish

  • Nathan Cullen
  • Romeo Saganash
  • Niki Ashton
  • Peggy Nash
  • Paul Dewar

That is five of nine.

Niki Ashton also speaks Greek and some Cree.  Not surprisingly for a guy born in the bush of Northern Quebec, Romeo Saganash speaks Cree.

Cree is an important language in many parts of Canada with close to 90,000 speaking Cree and around another 60,000 speaking one of the closely related languages.   Close to 500,000 people are Cree, Ojibway, Oji-Cree, or Innu.  Many of the Metis in Canada trace their aboriginal ancestry from the Crees.

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