Thursday, January 19, 2012

Santorum Won Iowa!

The vote was close and in the recount it has Santorum winning over Romney by 34 votes.  Took long enough for the final results to come in.

I can not imagine the Republicans would choose someone as unelecteable as Santorum as their presidential nominee, but then again they might.

The remaining major candidates in the race are:

  • Newt Gingrich - endorsed today by Rick Perry as he dropped out
  • Ron Paul
  • Rick Santorum
  • Mitt Romney - endorsed by Jon Huntsman when he dropped out on January 16th

When will the American see sense and realize that only Mitt Romney has any potential of being elected?

Ron Paul is so out of step with the Republicans that I fail to see how he can win.   I also really, really do not like his isolationist stance.  

Newt Gingrich, really?   He is making a come back?  Does he honestly think his stupid antics as speaker of the house in the 1990s will endear him to anyone?   This is the man that shut the US government down because he had a hissy fit and wanted to prove he could do it.    This is a man that was sanctioned for ethical wrong doing will speaker of the house.

Rick Santorum, OMG!   This man does not believe people should have the right to have control over their lives.  He thinks government should legislate on most social issues.   If he were to win, I think we would see the first 538 to 0 election.

Stephen Colbert is looking like a rational choice for the GOP.

At this point I think Barak Obama can feel fairly secure about his re-election.

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