Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Federal by-election record since 2004

I thought this table might be of interest given the recent by-election in Toronto-Danforth.

  • Party  Incumb Retained Lost Gained Net
  • Cons      1      1       0    5    +5
  • Liberals  8      5       3    1    -2
  • NDP       3      2       1    1     0
  • Bloc      5      3       2    0    -2
  • Ind       1      0       1    0    -1
There have been 18 by-elections since the 2004 election and 7 times there have been changes with the Conservatives having done the best with gains.  Three of the by-elections were because of deaths, the other 15 because of resignations.

In the next couple of years I expect to see 10-15 more by-elections, about half from the Conservatives.

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