Monday, March 5, 2012

NDP Leadership Debate in Victoria

Friday March 9th the NDP leadership candidates will be debating at Esquimalt High.   Start time is 7 pm.  
Confirmed so far are Nathan Cullen, Peggy Nash, Paul Dewar and Brian Topp.

If I am not busy, I will be dropping in to listen, though I do not expect much.   I will make sure Ben goes because he is a members of the party.   Ben has really not paid attention to the race at all and will need to go to get some idea of who he will back.    I suspect that since Ben is a fan of John Horgan, he will be pre-disposed to back Brian Topp.

Ben has been focusing on the teacher's dispute instead of the NDP leadership race.  Even though he is only 14, he is considering organizing some sort of show of support for the teachers.   He knows that I am not a fan of the BCTF and that his mother is very anti-BCTF, but I am encouraging him to take action that he believes in.

After the debate you can have a beer with Peggy Nash at Smith's Pub on Courtney Street.   Nathan Cullen will be hosting his drinks event at the Gorge Pointe Pub.  I do not know of what the others are doing.  I doubt I will go to any of them.

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