Wednesday, April 25, 2012

May 2nd - Raise a cold beer in memory or Jack Layton

There is a Facebook event/campaign to get as many people as possible to raise a glass in memory of Jack Layton and his historic breakthrough last year.

Whether you like the NDP or not, the win big win last year by Jack Layton for party was a major shift in our national politics and the first time since 1993 that almost all the seats in Quebec are represented by a federalist politician.  

Also important to remember is that politics and politicians do not have to be serious and angry all the time.   There is time to smile, have a beer and watch a hockey game.  

If nothing else, honour his courage to have a cheesy moustache in an error of political image making!

PARTOUT au Canada - EVERYWHERE in Canada
Considérant que... UN AN DÉJÀ!
Considérant que la journée du 2 mai est devenue historique pour des millions de Canadiens et de Québécois. 
Considérant que Jack Layton est l’une des figures les plus inspirantes de la politique canadienne.
Considérant que Jack adorait la bière. 
Considérant que sa personnalité reste dans nos mémoires et inspire les adultes, les jeunes et les moins jeunes. 

Je vous invite à boire une bière ce 2 mai pour rendre honneur à la personne de Jack Layton, sa passion pour la politique et ses réussites, qui sont nos réussites, cette journée du 2 mai, 2011. 
Partout où vous soyez, prenons une bière et travaillons ensemble. 

Considering that the 2nd of May is historic day for millions of Canadians and Quebecers.
Considering that Jack Layton is one of the most important figures in political history in Canada. 
Considering that Jack inspired adults and young people to be engaged and passionate. 
Considering that Jack loved beer
I invite you get a beer on the 2nd may, wherever you are, to remember the legacy of Jack and the message of hope he gave to all of us! 
Let’s do this together

Vous pouvez aussi prendre un verre chez vous, tout seul, si vous ne pouvez pas sortir ce 2 mai. Ceci est un évènement symbolique pour penser à Jack. 

This event is symbolic, if you cannot organize an event with friends to drink a beer, you can do it on your own, at your house, in your room. Just take a moment to get a beer and think of Jack! 

1 comment:

  1. I will gladly raise a glass to our Canada Jack. He was a true Canadian, every inch of the way.

    I will gladly throw a glass, at Harper. Bev Oda is really getting raked over. right from Dion, Mulcair, Boivin and many others. She only pays back, when she gets caught.
    This country is a total nightmare. The Chair was furious, after two sessions, the Auditor hasn't been brought in to testify, regarding the costs of the F-35 jets. The Chair was told he was not telling the truth, then the proverbial .... really hit the fan. There are accusations, of a certain shredder working overtime.

    Elections Canada, with a witness and documents, still haven't been asked to present their findings. The shredders seem to be working overtime on that one too. Of course, Harper is denying his face off. He looked a total fool in Parliament to-day.

    Yes Jack, you are very much missed.
