Wednesday, July 18, 2012

3rd Ballot - Shawn Atleo wins with 66.6%

Here are the result for the third ballot

Candidate    3rd Ballot Change 2nd Ballot Change 1st Ballot
Shawn Atleo   341 66.60% +23   318 59.44%   +34  284 52.59%  
Pam Palmater  141 25.54% +34   107 20.00%   +12   95 17.59%
Bill Erasmus   30  5.86%  -4    34  6.36%    +5   29  5.37%
Diane Kelly                     31  5.79%    -8   39  7.22%  
Terry Nelson                    25  4.67%   -10   35  6.48%
Ellen Gabriel                   17  3.18%   -16   33  6.11%  
Joan Jack                                         20  3.70%
George Stanley                                     5  0.93%
Total Votes    512       -23   535           -5  540
Needed to win  307       -14   321           -3  324  

I am not sure why all the others did not concede after the first ballot.   I am also not sure why they could not agree to come together if they all disliked Shawn Atleo so much.

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