Thursday, July 12, 2012

Biggest single political donation in BC in 2011 was for $596,552.66

On December 31st 2011 the BC Patriot Party made the biggest political donation in BC for the year with a contribution of $596,552.66 to the Advocational Democratic Party

The biggest donations to the BC Liberals were puny in comparison

  • Goldcorp $210,000
  • Teck Resources $138,000
  • Richard Illich $100,010
  • John S Major $100,010
  • Teck Highland Valley $100,000
  • CanFor $68,600

The Advocational Democratic Party was created almost six years ago on October 23rd 2006.   It has no website, no contact details, no social media and it has never run a candidate for anything.  Still it is one of the richest political parties in BC.  It helped that the BC Patriot Party gave them a $1,838,100 donation in the form of 612,700 shares in KGN (Keegan Resources)

According to their 2011 Financial Statements, the Advocational Democratic Party of BC has assets of $2,065,558.49 and liabilities of $1,084,682.18

In 2011 the party lost $2,308,486.01 on their investments.

The party got political contributions totaling $633,175.98

Little Feather Global Corporation $7,035.00 of interest on a loan
Dr Andrew N. Hokold Inc.            $656.76 of interest on a loan
Beverly Bird                        $714.42 of interest on a loan
BC Partiot Party                 $28,217.14 in loans forgiven
BC Patriot Party                $596,552.66 donation

Even though the BC Patriot Party is deeply in debt with assets of only $24,653.27 and liabilities of $1,248,715.97, they were able to give $596,552.66 to the Advocational Democratic Party.  The BC Patriot Party was in hock to Dr. Andrew N. Hokhold Inc to the tune of $1,247,822 on December 31st 2011.

The donation from the BC Patriot Party to the Advocational Democratic Party has effectively drained the BC Patriot Party of all its assets leaving the party with only about 4% of the assets they held before December 31st 2011..   

The Advocational Democratic party owed a total of $1,073,513 on December 31st 2011, up from $1,016,857
Loans the party has outstanding
Little Feather Global Corporation December 11th 2007 
$50,000 at 6% $3,000 interest was not collected
Little Feather Global Corporation July 17th 2008 
$30,000 at 4.75%  $1,425 interest was not collected
Little Feather Global Corporation October 20th 2008 
$60,000 at 4.35% $2,610 interest was not collected

Beverly Bird July 25th 2008 
$8058.90 at 4.75% $383.80 interest was not collected
Beverly Bird October 30th 2009 
$5,066.71 at 2.25% $114 interest was not collected
Beverly Bird November 22 2011 
$11,579.57 at 3% $37.62 interest not collected

Beverly Bird in Bare Trust with Little Feather Global Corp October 31 2008 $900,000 at 4%  $841,069.78 outstanding December 31st 2010, $779,108.30 was outstanding on December 31st 2011.  The party paid interest of $24,904.12 on this loan.   This is a 30 year loan.

Dr. Andrew N. Hokhold Inc January 31st 2011 
$7,500 at 3% $206.25 interest not collected
Dr. Andrew N. Hokhold Inc November 14th 2011 
$115,000 at 3% $450.51 interest not collected

BC Patriot Party (Andrew Hokhold/Lillian Stokes) Oct 31 2008 $15,642.26  at 4% but this amount was forgiven by the BC Patriot Party on December 31st 2011.  The due date of this loan was December 31st 2012 but it was written off a year early.

My previous posts about these odd political parties

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