Monday, August 27, 2012

Saskatchewan Boundary Changes

I am very happy to see that the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Saskatchewan has decided to do away with the mixed urban/rural ridings.   The urban/rural mixed ridings was very beneficial for the right side of the spectrum but not good at all for the NDP leading them being shut out since 2004.

There will now be three distinct Saskatoon ridings - Saskatoon West, Saskatoon Centre-University, and Saskatoon-Grasswood.  Regina will have two urban ridings, Regina-Lewvan and Wascana.  Regina Qu'appelle remains the only urban/rural split riding.

The NDP should be able to win two Saskatoon and one Regina ridings because of the changed boundaries for a net loss of three seats for the Conservatives.   Without a huge shift in the vote and the retirement of Ralph Goodale the results in 2015 for Saskatchewan could be Conservatives 8, NDP 6.

The loss of up to five seats for the Conservatives would make it that much harder to achieve another majority government while at the same time making in more realistic to see the NDP becoming the largest party in the parliament in one of the next two elections.

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