Tuesday, September 18, 2012

BC Legislative Sitting Days

How many days does the BC Legislature?   Here is the number per year from 1978 to 2012.

1978 65
1979 50
1980 119
1981 82
1982 97
1983 70 
1984 64
1985 83
1986 53
1987 115
1988 69
1989 84
1990 75
1991 17
1992 111
1993 91
1994 80
1995 76
1996 40
1997 84
1998 90
1999 70
2000 52
2001 17 NDP and 20 Liberals
2002 74
2003 73
2004 57
2005 52
2006 46
2007 78
2008 57
2009 66
2010 46
2011 47
2012 48

Social Credit 1980-1991 averaged 77 days per year  (Bill Bennett averaged 80 days, Vander Zalm 73)
NDP 1991-2001 averaged 71 days per year (Harcourt averaged 83 days, the other three 67)
Liberals 2001 - 2012 averaged 56 days per year (Campbell averaged 59 days per year)

The Liberals have sat on average 80% of the days the NDP did between 1991 and 2001.   So yes, there have been fewer sitting days of late than in past years.

All top five years for sitting days on the list were 1993 and earlier.


  1. didn't the sitting hours get longer a couple years ago? i seem to recall that was the trade-off when the days were shortened; fewer days, but more hours of sitting for the session.

  2. In having gone through 43 years of Hansard records, that may be true because there certainly seemed longer and shorter days at different times in BC.

    I can only go through Hansard for so many hours, I will leave it to someone else to figure how many sitting hours.
