Monday, November 12, 2012

Victoria by-election - some big names are dropping by

We started with Conservative Dale Gann getting some big names for his office opening - James Moore and Senator Nancy Raine along with a number of MPs.   Dale Gann then had drop in today Tony Clement.

Paul Summerville had Bob Rae in town for drinks on Saturday.  Coming up he has:
Joyce Murray - November 15th
John McCallum - November 15th
Justin Trudeau - November 21st

Donald Galloway has it easy with Elizabeth May next door an around all the time but he also has a big event on November 19th.  That evening at the Victoria Conference Centre David Suzuki, Andrew Weaver, Elizabeth May, and Ken Wu will be speaking about the issues that matter for Victoria and Canada.

Murray Rankin has Thomas Mulcair in town tonight at the Victoria Conference Center.

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