Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Victoria by-election video interviews

These are some videos made by Pedro Mora interviewing candidates in the Victoria by-election. He managed to interview five of the six candidates, only Murray Rankin is not part of the interviews. Philip Ney, Christian Heritage Party candidate, and Art Lowe, Libertarian candidate, are among the interviewees

This first one is "Why are you running?"
Order of interviews Ney, Gann, Galloway, Summerville and Lowe

 Foreign Policy Questions relating to Isreal and Iran
Order of the interviews is Summerville, Lowe, Ney, Gann and Galloway


Free Trade Questions
Order of interviews is Gann, Galloway, Summerville, Lowe and Ney

National Defense Budget
Order of interviews is Galloway, Summerville, Lowe, Ney and Gann

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