Friday, January 25, 2013

Senate Appointments by Prime Minister

Stephen Harper filled the five vacancies in the Senate today.

 Here is the list of appointments to the senate by Canadian Prime Ministers - I am leaving out the four  elected senators.  I have also worked out how often PMs have appointed senators.

Prime Minister  Appmnts  frequency 

  1. Mackenzie King     103   75.98 days
  2. John Macdonald      91   76.10 days
  3. Wilfird Laurier     81   68.68 days
  4. Pierre Trudeau      81   69.65 days
  5. Jean Chretien       75   49.20 days
  6. Robert Borden       62   51.55 days
  7. Brian Mulroney      56   57.20 days (appointed 1 elected senator)
  8. Louis St Laurent    55   57.09 days
  9. Stephen Harper      50   50.90 days (appointed 3 elected senators)
  10. Mike Pearson        39   46.80 Days
  11. John Diefenbaker    37   57.59 days
  12. Richard Bennett     33   57.67 days
  13. Paul Martin         17   46.29 days
  14. Alexander Mackenzie 16  112.31 days
  15. Arthur Meighen      15   41.67 days
  16. Mackenzie Bowell    13   37.92 days
  17. Joe Clark           11   24.82 days
  18. John Abbott          6   87.83 days
  19. John Thompson        5  147.40 days
  20. John Turner          3   26.33 days
  21. Charles Tupper       1   68.00 days
  22. Kim Campbell         0

Stephen Harper will shortly have two more senators he can appoint due to mandatory retirement, though one of them is from Alberta so the replacement should be Scott Tannas based on the 2012 election in Alberta.  In total there will be 11 mandatory retirements before the next federal election.

Current Party Standings in the Senate
Conservatives 65
Liberals 36
Independents 3 - one of them refers to themselves as a PC senator

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