Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Prime Ministers of Canada by length of time out of office

Arthur Meighen was the first western Prime Minister but only in office for two short terms
After he left office he lived for almost another 34 years
I love relatively pointless trivia facts.  Today I thought I would offer a list of how long former Prime Ministers lived after leaving office - the ones in bold are currently alive.

Prime Minister      Days
Arthur Meighen     12,329  33 years 10 months 12 days
Joe Clark          12,056  33 years  0 months  3 days
John Turner        10,397  28 years  5 months 17 days
Mackenzie Bowell    7,897  21 years  7 months 14 days
Brian Mulroney      7,194  19 years  8 months  9 days
Kim Campbell        7,062  19 years  4 months  2 days
Charles Tupper      7,053  19 years  3 months 23 days
Robert Borden       6,180  16 years 11 months  1 day
John Diefenbaker    5,961  16 years  3 months 26 days
Pierre Trudeau      5,935  16 years  2 months 30 days
Louis St Laurent    5,879  16 years  1 month   5 days
Alexander Mackenzie 4,940  13 years  6 months  9 days
RB Bennett          4,265  11 years  8 months  4 days
Jean Chretien       3,372   9 years  2 months 22 days
Wilfrid Laurier     2,693   7 years  4 months 13 days
Paul Martin         2,585   7 years  1 month   0 days
Mike Pearson        1,713   4 years  8 months  8 days
Mackenzie King        615   1 year   8 months  8 days
John Abbott           341   0 years 11 months  7 days

Two Prime Ministers died in office, John Macdonald and John Thompson

Joe Clark was only 39 when he won
the 1979 election
Of the top six four of them are alive now.   Joe Clark will have the distinction of having the longest period after leaving office when he passes Arthur Meighen in early January 2014.

Of the top seven, only one of them won a majority government

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