Saturday, April 27, 2013

376 Candidates running in 85 ridings - a few factoids

376 candidates is 30 more than 2009

Elect # of cands  Avg per riding
2013    376         4.42
2009    346         4.07
2005    418         5.29
2001    456         5.77
1996    513         6.64
1991    317         4.23

Looking at the number of candidates per riding
# of cand # of ridings
   2          1
   3         15
   4         35
   5         21
   6          8
   7          4
   8          1

Kootenay East is the only riding with only two candidates.   The last time there was a riding with only two candidates was Yale Lillooet in the 1991 election.

In 36 of 85 ridings there will be a Liberal, New Democrat, Green and Conservative on the ballot, in five more there would have been all four if five BC Conservatives had managed to get the party affiliation on the nomination papers.

There are five ridings in which there is neither a Green nor Conservative on the ballot.

There are 96 women running, or 25.5% of the candidates.  In 14 ridings there are no women running at all.

Party   % women
NDP      36.5%
Liberals 34.1%
Green    21.3%
Inds+NA  17.4%
Cons      8.6%

This year we see the most independents running in a BC election since the party system started.

Elect # of Ind
1991    16
1996    23
2001    30
2005    28
2009    16
2013    46 (this includes 5 Conservatives that did not manage to get their party name on the ballot)

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