Monday, April 15, 2013

Federal Liberal Leadership Results and some quick thoughts

Here are the results in the race - each riding was assigned 100 points that were allocated based on the vote the candidates achieved in the riding.

Candidate      Points allocated   %
Justin Trudeau     24,668.71    80.09%
Joyce Murray        3,130.76    10.16%
Martha Hall Findlay 1,760.43     5.72%
Martin Cauchon        815.86     2.65%
Deborah Coyne         214.14     0.70%
Karen McCrimmon       210.08     0.68%

There were a total of 104,552 votes cast, which works out to just under 340 voters per riding.   This would not be a bad number if these people were all members.   Because this number is supporters and members I do not think it is that impressive

The NDP only managed to have 65,108 members vote in 2012.  On the other hand the Conservative Party managed to get 97,397 members to vote in 2004.   The Alberta PCs had 78,592 members vote in 2011 and 144,289 in 2006.   There are other one member one vote type leadership races in Canadian provinces where the voting membership is on a par or larger than the total vote in the latest Liberal leadership race.

What is impressive is that a large number of members of supporters did vote, though the process of signing up people produced a much smaller total than initially thought.  The process to complete your ability to vote as a supporter was a bit odd because no one made it very clear there was a two step process.   It speaks to limits of the Federal Liberals when it comes to organization.

I am going to go through the raw results on the Liberal website and see what interesting results come of that.

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