Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Comparing 2013 Preliminary Vote Count to 2009

Since we have not yet counted the special ballots, here is the comparison to the 2009 preliminary vote so that we can have a more a accurate comparison between the two elections in the interim.

Elect   Libs     NDP      Greens   BCCP   Others  total
2013   724,068  643,434  130,421  77,799  53,882 1,629,544
2009   713,994  646,886  130,233  32,620  25,050 1,548,770
Change +10,074   -3,452     +212 +45,179 +28,832   +80,774

The Liberals increased their vote by just over 10,000 while the NDP lost 3,450.

The Greens are almost the same though they only ran 61 candidates in this election and not 85 as in 2009.   This means the average Green vote rose by 40% in each riding

The BC Conservatives increased 45,000 votes but they also ran 56 candidates in 2013 as opposed to 24 in in 2009 which means they achieved almost the same amount per candidate.

The vote for all the others more than doubled.
Update on May 22nd

For the record, here is how the parties did with the 91,759 special ballots cast in 2009:

Liberals   NDP   Greens  BCCP  Others
 37,667   44,678  4,383  1,831  3,200  
 41.05%   48.69%  4.78%  2.00%  3.49%

As you can see the NDP did better than their election day results while the Greens did significantly worse.   I have no idea if this pattern will repeat itself in 2013.

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