Anyone that knows me would know I am not in the least supportive Ted Cruz to be elected to anything even if up until recently he was a fellow Canadian.
I subscribe to the Economist's view of him
Mr Cruz will not win the presidency, since he repels the swing voters who decide things. But he could still do harm. If he turns the Republican primary into a conservative purity contest, in which anyone softer on Mr Obama is labelled a sell-out, other contenders may be dragged so far to the right that they become unelectable in the general election. That would be bad for the Republican Party and for America. Voters in 2016 deserve a choice between two grown-up candidates.
This is an email I recently received
Bernard --
Have you seen this?
I have less than 4 hours left.
Please -- right now -- read below and contribute before 11:59pm.
For liberty,
Ted Cruz
From: Ted Cruz To: Subject: 7 hours | |
| Bernard,
We don't have much time. So, I'll be brief.
My deadline is less than 7 hours away, and I just got off the phone with Lauren, my National Finance Director.
**I need 3 more donors in your area BEFORE midnight**
Bernard, as a personal favor to me, will you help us meet our Money Bomb goal by making an immediate contribution -- it is imperative that we don't come up short. After the barrage of's clear: as conservatives, we are in the fight of our lives.
Please, before you do anything else -- click here and make a Money Bomb contribution of at least $5 or as much as $35 or even more if you can afford it.
STOP-GAP $100 »
STOP-GAP $35 »
My campaign finance report is about to come under intense scrutiny from every media outlet, Democrat, and presidential hopeful in the country.
I announced for President to defend the Constitution and restore the promise of America, but we can only win with the support of courageous conservatives like you.
There are less than 7 hours left in the Money Bomb Challenge.
Will you step up and stand with us?
For liberty,
 Ted Cruz
P.S. If you haven't already, will you click here right now and help me meet this Money Bomb Challenge with a most generous donation of $100, $35, $5, or whatever you can afford?
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