Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Fundraisng Email from the BC Greens

I thought it would be interesting to post copies of fundraising emails from parties in the 2017 BC Election.

First one is a request from the BC Greens to lease a larger office for the party HQ - an interesting very specific ask that says "we are growing so fast that we need your help to manage the success"

Dear Bernard,
We’ve made great strides in the last few months. New staff members, new volunteers, new supporters…
Just one problem. Our office has become a sardine box.
Every week, our team of staff and volunteers squeeze into tight corners to roll up their sleeves and get to work. It’s my job to set them up for success, but the lack of space around here is really slowing everyone down.
It floors me to see what they accomplish day in and day out.
Take Dekan, for example. He’s been volunteering in the office since May.
He has 2 young kids, runs a small business, plays in a band, and (in his “spare time”) works on various BC Green volunteer projects—public events, phone banks, data entry, recruiting new team members…
He also returns dozens of phone calls every week, making sure you hear from us every time you call. I love that he always has a contagious smile on his face!
As of this week he shares a desk with 3 other people who are working just as hard to elect Greens.
I can’t wait to tell them you donated so we could move to a bigger office. If you join 50 others by pitching today I can secure a new lease in time for November.
Ready make that happen? Here is the link:
Thank you so much,
Laura Lavin
Executive Director
BC Green Party
P.S. If you become a monthly donor, your donations will set us up for success every single month. It’s the easiest way to support this amazing team. Simply click the option to set up an automatic monthly donation plan, and we’ll take care of the rest.
Prefer to donate by phone?
Open 9-5 Pacific time
Or by cheque:
Please make cheques out to "BC Green Party"
PO Box 8088 STN Central
Victoria BC  V8W 3R8

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