Friday, September 2, 2011

Kash Heed and Recall

Kash Heed has been fined for what happened in the 2009 election campaign in Vancouver Fraserview.   There are people now calling for him to resign, most vocal it seems is the former NDP candidate Gabriel Yui.   Why should he resign when the public has a method to remove him from office?

It strikes me that this situation is the reason that recall exists.   It is a way for the people to remove him if they are really unhappy with him and what happened in the 2009 election.   If no one is willing to step forward and try and recall him, this effectively gives Kash Heed an approval to continue as MLA till the next election.

Given that there is not going to be a provincial election till May 2013, I would think there will be some sort of move to remove Kash Keed.   A recall campaign would need to get about 15,300 signatures to trigger a recall, I think that is achievable

Only 15% of the people signed the HST petition but 15674 voted to repeal the HST.  This was the highest vote against the HST in BC.   There would seem to be enough people in Vancouver Faserview that might sign a recall petition that it would succeed.

If no recall goes ahead this really does say there is not the appetite to remove Kash Heed.

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