Friday, September 2, 2011

Logan Lake resolution on tuition fees

I am little surprised to see that it is Logan Lake that is putting forward a resolution at the 2011 UBCM asking for post secondary fees to be lowered.

I personally think the split between tuition fees and government funding of post secondary education is a reasonable split.   There is a benefit for society as whole when people get a post secondary education but there is also a very large benefit to the person getting that education.

In BC post secondary education tends to a transfer of government resources for rural resource communities to upper middle class suburban communities.   The best indicator if a person will get a post secondary education is if their parents had a post secondary education.   You get this odd subsidy of the white collar world by the blue collar world.  This is why I find it interesting this motion has come from Logan Lake.

When I look at a picture of the town council, I see how young the mayor Marlon Dosch is.   I wonder if he is the one pushing it and has future political aspirations?   Maybe an NDP nomination the Kamloops area?   I am grasping at straws to try and understand why this resolution.

Of all the things to be asking government to do, asking for a drop in tuition fees is very far down the list as being beneficial to Logan Lake.
B173 TUITION FEES Logan Lake
WHEREAS education in the Province of British Columbia should be a right not a privilege;
AND WHEREAS student debt in British Columbia is the highest in Canada outside of the Maritimes with students receiving 70% (the lowest amount in Canada), less non-repayable financial aid:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM petition the Province to reduce tuition fees to affordable levels, establish a BC student grants program, restore the per-student college and university funding to ensure quality education and eliminate the interest on student loans.

The Resolutions Committee advises that the UBCM membership has not previously considered a resolution calling on the Province to reduce tuition fees, establish a BC student grants program, restore per-student college and university funding, and eliminate interest on student loans.

1 comment:

  1. Another politician who doesn't understand the difference between a right and an entitlement.
