Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Aboriginal Candidates Elected

If you read this post recently, I made an error, I put it down to being tired today.   I missed Romeo Saganash for the NDP.   Updated now only moments later, there was a 34th indigenous candidate I had not heard of, Jonathan Genest-Jourdain (Innu)

We had 33 indigenous candidates in the election, three were sitting MPs.   2 of the three sitting MPs were re-elected and one was defeated.    Four new indigenous MPs were elected bringing the national total to seven.

  • Rob Clarke (Cree) was re-elected in Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill River
  • Leona Aglukkaq (Inuit) was re-elected in Nunavut

Todd Russell (Metis) – Labrador, the sitting Liberal MP, was defeated by Peter Penashue (Innu) of the Conservatives

Two Metis won election as MPs for the Conservatives in Manitoba:
  • Rod Bruinooge – Winnipeg South
  • Shelly Glover – Saint Boniface
Finally there are Romeo Saganash (Cree)who was elected for the NDP in – Abitibi-Baie-James-Nunavik-Eeyou. And Jonathan Genest-Jourdain (Innu)elected for the NDP in Manicouagan.

What is interesting is that five of them are Conservative MPs.   The Conservatives went from two out of 143 to five out of 167.    It means all five of the ones running were elected. 

In find it interesting that out of 102 MPs for the NDP, not a single one is indigenous.   I made an error before leaving off Romeo Saganash  and Jonathon Genest-Jourdain of the NDP

Moving from three to seven is an improvement, though it could be better.

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