Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Final BC Election Results

The final count is coming in at Elections BC, and it has changed two results from election night.

Vicki Huntingdon defeated Wally Oppal in Delta South by 32 votes, 9977 to 9945. Vicki Huntingdon is the first person elected to the BC Legislature since 1996 that is not a Liberal or New Democrat.

In Cariboo Chilcotin Liberal Donna Barnett defeated New Democrat Charlie Wyse 6259 to 6171.

This means the legislature will be:
  • Liberals 49 (+3)
  • NDP 35 (+2)
  • Ind 1 (+1)

The changes from the final count also changes the number of women in the legistlature, I took a look at this right after the election and I honestly did not think there would be changes. We move from 22 women to 24 women. This works out to 28.2% of the MLAs.

The two new MLAs also displace two incumbents. The election will see 25 new MLAs going to Victoria, not 23 as I had orginally thought. The Liberals have 31 returning MLAs and 28 New Democrats.

The percentage of vote for the parties in the final count has so far shown a small shift away from the Liberals to the NDP and Greens. Interesting is how well the Greens have done in the final count.

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