Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Should a Federal Election Happen this Fall....

here are some interesting pundit resources:

Election Prediction Sites

Election Resources

I will be adding my predictions on what I think the election result could look like. At the moment here is the range I see:

  • Conservatives - 128 (125 - 135) - 33.4%
  • Liberals - 107 (100 - 110) - 31.0%
  • NDP - 27 (25 - 30) - 15.3%
  • Bloc - 45 (43-47) - 8.8%
  • Ind - 1 (1-1)
  • Green - 0 (0-0) - 10.4%
Should we really be headed towards an election, this time around I am going to try and actually give a percentage for each party to win every given riding. I will start with BC and then expand to the west.