Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The First Peoples National Party

I dropped them a line yesterday and here is the response I got
Greetings Bernard.

The First Peoples National Party is looking for daring and honorable people of all cultures to run as candidates in the upcoming election.

We welcome interest and support from those who believe in the core values the First Peoples of North America. The primary values are putting people first through sharing and inclusion. These values are the guiding principles for the First Peoples National Party.

Canada was founded and flourishes due to the generosity and kindness of the First Peoples at the point of contact. The original Treaties and promises were a mutual sharing agreement between colonizers and the First Peoples. History shows that the colonizers and the Crowns of Europe broke these promises.

Until the government of Canada (the Crown) honours all the Treaties between the Crown and First Nations we can not move forward as a Nation on the international area.

Any country that continues to exclude its First Peoples from all levels of governance is a colonizing body. The snails pace of government in land-claim settlements and the light speed of resource development by foreign owned companies are continued acts of colonization and cultural genocide.

If you want to know what is going to happen to the rest of Canada and the world, observe the Indigenous peoples of the world, those closest to the earth.

The fastest growing health concern among adult Canadians is diabetes which has be epidemic in First Nations communities from the time when Western culture was imposed on First Nations peoples.

The fastest growing health concern among young Canadians is obesity which has plagued First Nations communities since traditional First Nations ways of life were interrupted by colonization, residential schools and commercialization.

The First Peoples National Party has one aim, which is to bring the culture of inclusion to Parliament. Senate reform is a start to the creation of a second house, The First Peoples House.

Historically First Peoples do not participate in national or federal elections as it is not their way, and to do so, voting is an act of relinquishing our sovereignty as First Peoples. It is difficult to have our elected leadership (Chiefs and councilors) speak out against the government, to do so puts them in jeopardy of loosing funding for their people.

So, where do we start? We need to take part in the process in order to voice our concerns. We need to have the First Peoples National Party candidates in as many ridings across Canada. By doing this we have a right, by law, to participate in public debates. That is were the process begins, getting our voice out to those who vote, educating that captive audience of Canada's real history. By taking part in this process we win just by being included and having a forum for our voice, a voice of the people. That is where it starts. It is time to put people first.

William Morin
Interim Leader: FPNP
Phone: 705-561-8004
Toll Free: 1-877-248-4133

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